Gryffon Discontinuities

spacer Discontinuities : Ireland 2003 : London: Victoria and Albert Museum : London: Victoria and Albert Museum Index 2 : London: Victoria and Albert Museum Index 3 : Photo 43  
London: Victoria and Albert Museum
London: Victoria and Albert Museum 43

spacer London: Victoria and Albert Museum 43 spacer

Saturday, 6-September-2003 12:04 PM GMT

Stupid glass in between me and the item... sigh. I would have loved to have been able to get a detailed close-up picture of the painting on the kimono. I made a kimono once, from a Folkwear pattern, and had even done all the embroidery in a traditional pattern. Only to find out later that I had lined up one of the seams wrong and goofed up the hem horribly. I never found an obi that would have worked, and being a poor college student at the time it was made out of a rather obnoxious red cotton.

One of the 'artifacts' brought back by my grandparents from Asia twenty or more years ago is a collection of silks that one day could be made into kimonos. They are just incredibly beautifuly works of art in silk alone. I doubt that I'd ever cut into it.




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